Vocations Sunday to be held at Nsipe Parish

Each and every year, on the Fourth Sunday of Easter which is commonly known as Good Shepherd Sunday or also as Vocations Sunday, the Catholic Church celebrates the day of Vocations. On this day, the Catholic Church gives a special chance to the youth to take an active role in the liturgical celebration and also reflect on their calling to the different vocations in the ministry of the Church.

In the Diocese of Dedza, Tsangano parish has been selected to take a leading role in this year’s celebration of Vocation Sunday. The theme of this day is, “The hearts of youth on fire with missionary work, their feet on the move”. This theme comes from the passage of the Gospel of Luke 24: 13-35 and also this year’s mission Sunday message of the Holy Father.

The diocese of Dedza through the Pontifical Mission Societies office and the Youth Chaplain’s office is inviting all the Priests, Sisters, Brothers and lay faithful in all parishes to help the youth so that they can actively take important roles during the liturgical celebration of this day. The aforementioned offices are also asking all the congregations working in the diocese of Dedza and outside the diocese to start registering their attendance during the diocesan function of vocation Sunday. Vocation Sunday is also the day that the faithful are asked three things; to pray for an increase of vocations in the church, to participate in missionary service that will help to increase vocations in the church, and finally to make financial and material offerings. The faithful are asked to increase their offerings for the good of our seminaries on this day. Therefore, the total submission of all the offerings to the universal solidarity fund of St Peter the Apostle is mandatory in all the parishes.
On 30th April 2023, all roads lead to Tsangano as we put all our hearts on fire and place our feet on the move!