Nsipe Parish's Dr Ralph Tseka and Fr Peter Madeya

In a bid to maintain the smooth running of the affairs of St. Peter Claver [Nsipe] Parish of the Diocese of Dedza, its parishioners on Sunday, the 9th of April 2023 managed to raise MK 3.7 Million through the Paper Sunday that the parish organized. This is the first Paper Sunday for the 2023 Financial Year aimed at raising additional funds for the administration of the parish.
For the 2023 Financial Year, the parish has arranged three Paper Sundays to be held.

Nsipe Parish fundraising Paper Sunday

According to the Parish Priest of Nsipe, Fr. Peter Madeya, the parishioners are expected to ensure that all Church projects are well managed financially. He said that this can only be done if the parishioners, including those that are in cities or are working and doing business there, play an active role in raising funds for the parish. Fr. Peter Madeya said that “as a parish, we expect that the parishioners themselves are fully involved in raising funds for the Church. We cannot go elsewhere to beg for funds to run our projects. As such it is our expectation that we are at the forefront to raise these funds. The parish really appreciates the support it gets from the parishioners especially even those that are in the major cities of the country. This is an encouragement to those that are based within the perimeters of the Parish to even do more.”

Parishioners of Nsipe Parish under the grouping called “Nsipe Parish Catholics” who are based in the major cities raised about MK1.5 Million which was handed over during Paper Sunday. These parishioners are based in Lilongwe, Blantyre, Zomba cities and even the districts of Balaka, Ntcheu and Mangochi. These people, although living far away, play a huge role in uplifting the welfare of the Parish.

Nsipe Parish fundraising Paper Sunday

The money collected was handed over by the leader of the group, Dr Ralph Tseka. According to Dr Tseka, the grouping was moved to make the contribution bearing in mind that this is the parish they all originally belong to although residing elsewhere. He commented that “We felt duty bound to make our contribution to the parish bearing in mind that we also have a responsibility to take care of projects and other issues that happen in the Diocese which we come from. We are committed to ensuring that we assist the parish in whichever way we can.”

Nsipe Parish is one of the 17 Parishes found in the Diocese of Dedza. It is relatively large both in demographical and geographical position. It has 26 out churches!

Nsipe Parish fundraising Paper Sunday