Bishop elect Rev. Fr. Peter Adrian Chifukwa

His Holiness, Pope Francis has appointed Rev Fr. Peter Adrian Chifukwa as Bishop of Dedza Diocese. The announcement has been made today, the 8th May 2021 at 12:00pm at the Vatican City.

The Bishop-elect was born on 27th August 1973 and ordained a priest on the 12th of June, 2004. He has served in several capacities including Parish Priest at Ganya parish (2005-2007) and Bishop’s Secretary (2010-2011). From 2007 to 2010 Fr Chifukwa studied canon law at the Catholic University of East Africa in Nairobi. He is currently Rector at St. Kizito Minor Seminary (2011-2021), Judicial Vicar (2010-2021) and Chaplain to the Presentation Sisters (2010-2021).

Pope Francis appoints Fr Peter Chifukwa as Bishop of Dedza

One Thought to “Pope Francis appoints Fr. Peter Chifukwa as Bishop of Dedza”

  1. Sr Lizzy from Bembeke just told me the good news.
    Congratulations from
    Support Malawi Heidelberg Charity Society
    and may all support you best possible.
    Heinrich Wegener
    Support Malawi Heidelberg e.V.

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