Bishop Chifukwa opening Tiyende Pamodzi Girls School

Bishop Peter Adrian Chifukwa of the Diocese of Dedza on Friday 14 January 2022 officially opened Tiyende Pamodzi Girls Secondary School in Mganja, T/A Kachindamoto in Dedza district. The secondary school has been built with support from various donors and partners from the Netherlands. Sister Jozepha of Nazareth Foundation of Malawi community and Ineke Hendrickx, a Native of the Netherlands and project leader at Nazareth foundation Anneka, fundraised for the school project through various donors and friends.

Students at the opening of Tiyende Pamodzi Girls School

The school opened its doors in September 2021. The opening of the girls’ school is historical as this is the first of its kind in the area. It will go a long way in addressing the challenge of girls education in the area who frequently drop out of school and end up in early marriages.

In his speech, Rt Rev Chifukwa reminded the students that the opening of Tiyende Pamodzi Girls School was an opportunity that has been presented to them and encouraged them to seize it.

In attendance at the function were Fr Christian Muhineza, parish priest of Mua, priests and religious sisters and chiefs. Mr Markus and his family represented the donor community. The member of parliament for the area Hon Patrick Bandawe was also in attendance as well as the District Education Manager for Dedza Mr George Ngaiyaye who also represented the District Commissioner. The guest of honour was the Education Division Manager Mr Joseph Nkhata from the Ministry of Education.

bicycles at Tiyende Pamodzi Girls School

Tiyende Pamodzi

The new school is called Tiyende Pamodzi (Let’s walk together) Secondary School. Girls and young women have the rare opportunity to continue their education beyond primary school. The school also has a nursery school so that those girls with young children will have a daycare for their children which is also open to those in surrounding communities. The institution will also be offering tailoring as a subject in order for the students to make their own uniforms. Students from far away areas will be using bicycles provided by the school as their mode of transport.

The school was constructed by PBM construction which is owned by Mr Peter Matipwiri and his family who also donated a borehole. Students are selected by the Ministry of Education while others are selected by the Nazareth Foundation itself.

More pictures and videos of the event are on our Facebook Page.

Tailoring classroom