Archbishop Luke Thomas Msusa getting COVID-19 vaccination

The Catholic Bishops encourage all Catholics and all people in the country to receive the COVID-19 vaccine that Malawi has received.
In a statement released today, the 11th March 2021, the Bishops have said they are aware of people’s fear and mixed feelings towards the vaccine especially on safety and effectiveness but the Church shares the Government’s concern on the safety of people and advocates for collective health without being oppressive on individual freedom of choice.

Archbishop Luke Thomas Msusa getting COVID-19 vaccination

To live the talk, the Chairman of the ECM, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, was among the first people to be vaccinated at the Launch of the COVID-19 vaccination in Zomba.

The Bishops have further called on Government to employ all necessary measures needed to uphold the genuineness, safety and effectiveness of the vaccine and make sure that people’s concerns due to the COVID-19 vaccine are properly dealt with.

Catholics and all people are being reminded that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine should be understood as an act of charity towards other community members and an act of love of our neighbours and moral responsibility for the common good as we all continue adhering to COVID-19 Preventive Measures.