On this auspicious day, Tuesday the 26th of March 2024, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has recognised Rev Frs Henry Chinkanda of the Diocese of Dedza and Patrick Thawale of Lilongwe, and conferred upon them the esteemed title of Monsignor.
This honour has been graciously conferred upon the two priests as an acknowledgement of their exceptional service to the local Church at large and, in particular, to their Dioceses of Dedza and the Archdiocese of Lilongwe. The title “monsignor” (Mon Seigneur-my Lord) is an exclusive designation used within the Roman Catholic Church, reserved for a select few priests like the two priests who have exemplified unwavering dedication and commitment to the Church.

The title of monsignor is a mark of distinction granted to certain priests in recognition of their selfless contributions, steadfast faith, and years of devoted service. It is not a rank or a separate level of priesthood but rather a title that conveys honour and reverence within the hierarchical structure of the Church. Monsignors may be entrusted with specific responsibilities or roles within the diocese or even the Vatican, based on their capabilities and the needs of the Church.
It is important to note that the title of monsignor, unlike that of bishop, is an honorary designation rather than a specific position entailing administrative or governing responsibilities. Monsignors may hold various positions within the Church, such as pastors, chaplains, or officials in the Roman Curia, without distinct duties solely by virtue of the title.
Additionally, while not all Monsignors ascend to the role of Vicar Generals, the title of “Msgr.” is often used as a mark of high regard for Vicar Generals due to their close service to the Local Ordinary. A Vicar General is appointed by the Local Ordinary to serve as the primary assistant to the Bishop within a diocese, aiding in governance, administration, and oversight to ensure the smooth operation of diocesan affairs.

The two parts of the Church of Malawi have all the reasons to celebrate this honour. For Rev. Msgr Thawale, he follows in the in the footsteps of Rev. Msgr Charles Maida while Rev. Msgr Henry Chinkanda follows in the footsteps of Rev. Msgr. Joseph Masandi, who was similarly honoured with this title by Pope Benedict XVI on the 12th of June 2004. This means that Malawi has two Msgrs, Rev. Msgr Patrick Thawale of Lilongwe and Rev. Msgr Henry Chinkanda of Dedza.
The Malawian Church extends heartfelt congratulations to the two Monsignors Rev. Msgr Henry Chinkanda and Rev. Msgr. Patrick Thawale and offers blessings for their continued priestly service to the universal Church.
Reporting by Episcopal Conference of Malawi